Letter of Support for the Proposed South of Union Square Historic District

The proposed South of Union Square Historic District is one of this year’s Seven to Save. This neighborhood in Manhattan boasts a wide variety of of building types, many of which have ties to important social and cultural movements. Our colleagues at Village Preservation have been pushing for landmark designation and zoning protections to preserve the area’s historic character, limit out-of-scale construction, and prevent needless demolition. The League’s Vice President for Policy & Preservation Katie Comeau recently submitted a public letter of support for these efforts.

“We recognize that no historic district, whether in Manhattan or anywhere else in New York State, can or should be frozen in time. Change defines this and other Manhattan neighborhoods and will continue to do so. As you know, historic district designation does not and should not prevent all change, but provides a mechanism for managing change in a way that is respectful of the history and character of the district, balances competing concerns, and does not cede control over the process to aggressive development interests.

On behalf of the Preservation League, I urge you to support the designation of the proposed South of Union Square Historic District.”

Click here to read the full letter.