Detrimental Proposed Changes to the National Register of Historic Places Will Not Be Implemented

Good news: The federal government will not implement federal rule changes proposed by the prior administration that were hostile to the National Register designation process. In April 2019, the Preservation League submitted a letter, along with countless other preservation organizations, in opposition to these National Register changes and are thrilled they are now off the table.

These changes would have:

  • Created multiple burdens and roadblocks to designation of culturally and historically significant public land.

  • Had a significant negative impact on how federal properties were nominated to the National Register and determined eligible.

  • Allowed National Register objections to be weighted based on property size, as compared to the current system of one owner equals one vote.

  • Affected communities across the country and had a devastating impact on the Historic Tax Credit program.

Thank you to all the preservation advocates who stood up for preservation and opposed the implementation of these rule changes!